Where to start with the Enneagram.

Starting is easy, finding your growth path is the not for the faint of heart.


  • The Good Person.

    They endeavor to be good persons, seeking to make the world a better place to live in.

  • The Loving Person.

    They want to be generous persons, seeking to make the world a more loving place in which to live.

  • The Effective Person.

    They want to be productive persons, seeking to make the world a more efficient place to live in.

  • The Original Person.

    They want to be sensitive, refined persons, seeking to make the world more beautiful.

  • The Wise Person.

    They want to understand the world and make it a more reasonable place to live in.

  • The Loyal Person.

    They endeavor to be faithful, conscientious, responsible persons, keeping their word and honoring their commitments.

  • The Joyful Person.

    They want to be happy persons, seeking to make the world a more delightful place to live in.

  • The Powerful Person.

    They endeavor to be strong, independent, straightforward, assertive persons, who use their strength and influence to make the world a more just place.

  • The Peaceful Person.

    They want to make the world an inclusive, harmonious, and conflict-free place to live in.