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The place to invest in life, relationship, and marriage coaching implementing the Enneagram and Spiritual Practices.

Wendy has the beautiful gift of presence to offer to friends and clients. She asks questions that allow for contemplation, reflection and growth. With grace, she prompts others toward action in hopes of building a life of joy and fullness. I’m so thankful to have had her guidance during difficult seasons of life!
— Allison Dingler, coaching client

Coaching is not Counseling

There is great benefit in counseling. Getting below the surface, in counseling, is worth the time and money. While I am not a licensed counselor, I am a professional life coach. Coaching helps discover your motivations, passions, skills and how to best harness your full potential. Together we can help you find your true self through inner work. Discovering your true self opens the door to personal, professional and relational growth.

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The three emotion text..

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